Massive increase in inquiries for Gymnastics inspired by Olympics – Volunteers needed.

Inspired by the potential of the Olympics to leave a lasting legacy locally, North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson was invited by Volunteer Centre Swindon and the Swindon Sports Forum to become a sports ambassador for the Borough and champion volunteering in sport.
Visiting Swindon’s Esprit Gymnastics Club, he said: “It is essential we tap in to the huge post-Olympics sporting enthusiasm. No sports club would wish to turn away a potential new member, but they can only offer as many places as there are volunteers to help out. If we can encourage more sports volunteers in Swindon, not only can our local clubs thrive, we can all enjoy the sports opportunities our Town offers and secure Swindon’s very own Olympic legacy.
Sports volunteers are the life-blood of local sports clubs and they play a vital role in the delivery, organisation and administration of voluntary sports clubs.
Sue Dunmore, Manager Volunteer Centre Swindon, said: “The Olympics would not have been the success they were without the support of the many thousands of Games Makers. They set an example for how this is the ideal opportunity for people to discover how they can support local sports clubs through volunteering their time. We are delighted that Justin has volunteered to champion volunteering in sport.
Whether it’s washing kits, driving kids to matches or running the club’s accounts, there are many ways you can help.
And it’s not just the team and the children that benefit. Volunteering can be a sociable role where you meet new people and learn new skills. Most sports clubs are run by volunteers and require all kinds of assistance to keep them running smoothly. You don’t even have to be sporty.
Many clubs are eager to recruit volunteers with a range of experience or skills. You may be able to help with:
• Catering – From pouring half-time drinks to preparing cucumber sandwiches for a cricket lunch.
• Maintenance – Whether it’s a new lick of paint for the clubhouse or helping to flatten a pitch.
• Transport – Kids need ferrying about. Maybe set up a transport pool so everybody shares the load.
• Cleaning – It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it.
• Assistant coaching – Equipment might need to be set up. Coaches always need help to run sessions.
• Administration – Who’s available for the next game? You could organise it all by phone or email. Does the team need to register for a league? Maybe you can write the letter.
• Finance – Has the league subscription fee to a league been paid? Does cash need to be put aside for a special trip? Those with number-crunching skills can help.
Alternatively if you are a sports club looking for volunteers, Volunteer Centre Swindon can help you to promote your opportunities.
For more Information or if you are interested in volunteering in sport, contact Louise Hallett, Volunteer Centre Swindon on 01793 420557 or email:
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